Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Spotlight on Art...

"I begin to hear the old sounds - the ones I had thought worn out, worn out by intellectualization - I begin to hear the old sounds as though they are not worn out. Obviously they are not worn out. They are just as audible as the new sounds. Thinking had worn them out. And if one stops thinking about them, suddenly they are fresh and new."
John Cage, "Lecture on Nothing."

A recent visit to the Art Institute of Chicago, had me stopped in my tracks - again - while heading to the entrance at the Modern Wing.  Pae White's "Restless Rainbow" greets you, giving you a taste of the artist's commissioned installation. The "fallen" rainbow wraps and drenches the Bluhm Family Terrace with rich, saturated, vibrant color. The installation is pretty incredible. Highly recommend you see if for yourself (it's up through September 20th). It got me thinking about the emotional and spiritual power of color in art. Stipes, stacked, layered color. It always seems to strike me. Here are a few that I keep coming back to starting with White's installion:

Any others that you would add?

PHOTOS: Artic.edu; Romanograve; Artslant; Artwineandwhimsy; Randomnessamuck; MOMA; Hadiehshafie; Contemporaryartlinks; Illuminationsmedia; Danese.com; Jaqchartier; blackwhiteandyellow; blackwhiteandyellow; Webexhibits; Patriciasweetowgallery; Thebrokenstitchblog;  Jenstark; Schmitz-schmelzer.de2; Tadasuke.kuwayama; Artattler.

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