Thursday, September 29, 2011

Joseph Cornell Exhibit at the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago

Pandora's Box: Joseph Cornell 
Unlocks the MCA Collection
Now through October 16, 2011

I had a chance to see the Joseph Cornell exhibit this weekend at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago. The exhibit does an incredible job of 
showing the range of Cornell's influence on contemporary artists, 
specifically those that are part of the museum's collection. 

Piotr Uklanski, collage made from pencil shavings.

Nick Cave, sculptural collage.
See more of Cave's work, such as the one below, at,

Rivane Neuenschwander: Found Calendar, 2002

Lari Pittman: Untitled #14, 2003

Andy Warhol

Gregorio Vardanega, Arabesque Chromatique, 1967

Stills taken from a light box installation influenced by Josef Albers,
whose work is also on display at the MCA.

Learn more about the exhibit at

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